February 25, 2010

SFPUC says no to FOG?

Yes, that's right, we are saying "NO" to FOG! But, wait, this is not the kind that envelops the city , but the kind that clogs our sewers. It's FOG, as in "fats, oil and grease". Just like cholesterol can clog our arteries, this FOG can clog our sewer pipes!!!

Check out this article from the Municipal Sewer and Water Magazine, to learn more: San Francisco Fights FOG.

Want to be part of it? Of course you can! Whether you are with a restaurant or you are a resident, there are ways you can get rid of your oil that the SFPUC can turn to biofuel. Go to SFGreasecycle.org and join in the fun!

P2 Weekly Tip: Be Inspired by the Olympics and Go Green!

P2 Weekly Tip: Have you been inspired by watching the 2010 Vancouver Olympics? Don't just watch -- get outside and bring your inner-Olympian with you! There are plenty of green places to go and green things to do… even in the middle of San Francisco. Here are some suggestions:

*Check out SF Recreation and Park's Natural Areas: http://sfnap.org/. This website will help you find neighborhood areas containing lots of different native species to explore. Check it out, and if you have a yard, consider planting some native species yourself! To learn more at: http://www.cnps-yerbabuena.org/

*Join one of SF Recreation and Park's Sports Team at www.sfgov.org/recpark and get out there! But remember to tread lightly on the field or on the court. Suggest that your team pick up trash around your playing field before or after your practice.

*For more P2 tips, visit: http://pollutionprevention.sfwater.org/

February 11, 2010

P2 Weekly Tip: Happy (early) Valentine's Day!

February is the month where love is celebrated, usually in the traditional way of red roses, red-ribbon wrapped chocolates, and red heart-shaped Valentine’s cards. Here a few more tips for the green at heart to make your Valentine’s Day more environmentally friendly.

  • Instead of purchasing a bouquet of flowers, buy organic flowers or live bushes, shrubs, or trees that can be planted in the spring.

  • Bake cookies or other goodies for your valentine and package them in reusable and/or recyclable containers as gifts.

  • Buy cards that use recyclable paper, send e-mail cards, or make your own.
(source: http://www.greenchoices.utah.gov/)

February 5, 2010

International LID Conference and Great LA Times Story!

Don't miss the International LID Conference in San Francisco on April 11-14! For conference details and registration, go to: http://content.asce.org/conferences/lid10/index.html

Also! Check out this great story in last week’s LA Times:

Los Angeles might require rainwater capture
Proposed law would apply to new home-building, larger developments and some redevelopment projects to prevent runoff from reaching the ocean.


February 4, 2010

Help fight winter flooding - keep your catch basins clean!

P2 Weekly Tip: Now that it’s the rainy season, here are some P2 tips to help keep our stormwater healthy:

-Use brooms and rakes to clean up in the yard and nearby sidewalk (instead of using the water hose).
-Pick up litter!
-Use caution with pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. Do not apply if rain is in the forecast.
-If you do work on your car at home, try to contain and clean up any spills so that they don’t flow into the storm drains.

For more tips, visit http://pollutionprevention.sfwater.org