Low Impact Design (or LID for you hipsters) is a suite of technologies that replace impervious surfaces like paved streets and driveways with porous ones, like rainwater gardens, green roofs and swales (swales are low tracts of land used as open drain systems).
When these technologies are applied to urban designs such as street medians, parks and schools, rainwater penetrates the earth, reinvigorating groundwater tables and streams.

And there’s more (wait for it…) As rainwater percolates through layers of soil, street pollutants like car oil, animal waste and heavy metals are filtered out – a natural, ancient and very efficient process.

So when you next watch as oily rainwater pours from your driveway into a gutter, and you think to yourself, “there must be a better way…”
You’re right. There is.
For more information on the SFPUC’s LID and stormwater management programs, please visit: http://stormwater.sfwater.org/.
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