In an effort lead by Steve Jones, Johnny Johnson and Armin (Turk) Borick and other heroes of the SEP, the work was completed without a hitch.
Some of the SEP staff who filled the bags and helped community gardeners load their trucks with compost, from left to right, Back Row: Liam Fitzpatrick, Turk Borick, Johnny Johnson, Brett Watson, George Pelayo, Front Row William Huang, Howard Conroy, Jalanda Griffin, Alex Corbilla, Art Gutierrez. Not pictured above are Jose Limon, Troy Determan, Patrick Flaherty, Nadine Boyd, and John Bender.

Thanks everyone for your help!
In between filling the bags, staff also helped community and school gardens fill up their trucks with compost. As part of a new effort of the Wastewater Enterprise, community gardens and schools in San Francisco will be using SFPUC’s biosolids compost to grow plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables. In the next few months, watch for SFPUC’s lawn signs around the City.
More than 20 tons of compost will be given away at the Big Blue Bucket Eco-Fair this coming Saturday, September 26th, from 10AM to 2PM, at the Southeast Wastewater Treatment Plant. The entrance to the event will be on Jerrold Ave. @ Phelps St.
Spread the word and come and join us at the Big Blue Bucket and learn about SFPUC’s environmental programs and more. For more information, visit http://www.bigbluebucket.org/.
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