San Francisco, CA – The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) today announced Whole Foods South of Market (SOMA) and Franklin stores as the two new additions to the list of year-round, permanent locations in San Francisco for residents to drop off their used cooking oil for conversion into biofuel. Residents will be able to drop off their used cooking oil at the San Francisco
Whole Foods SOMA and Franklin stores during store hours.
The Haight Ashbury Neighborhood Council Recycling Center (HANC) and
Dogpatch Biofuels in the Potrero Hill neighborhood, as well as the Household Drop-off Waste Center are also collecting residential waste cooking oil year-round.
Launched in 2007,
SFGreasecycle is a citywide effort by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) to divert fats, oil and grease away from the sewers and recycle them into biodiesel. Used cooking oils are a serious problem for San Francisco’s wastewater system, clogging the sewers and costing more than $3.5 million each year to unclog the pipes.
Recycled oil from restaurants is estimated to generate 1.5 million gallons of low-emission biofuel each year. SFPUC has been collecting cooked oil from restaurants and food service establishments at no cost. So far, close to 800 restaurants signed up with the program, with more than 280,000 gallons of used cooking oil collected.

The past two years, the SFPUC has also organized two Thanksgiving and Christmas residential collection events and a used cooking oil drop off opportunity at the Big Blue Bucket Eco-Fair, where more than 3,000 gallons of used cooking oil were collected.
The success of the collection events prompted the SFPUC to secure permanent locations for residents to drop off their used oil.
Residents who want to participate should start saving up their used cooking oil now. Here are some easy tips to avoid spilling oil:1. Cool down used cooking oil in the pan
2. Pour used oil into
a clean, non-breakable, leak-proof container with a tight lid. Consider using old containers, such as mayonnaise jars or the original container.
3. Make sure oil is free of water, soapsuds, and food scraps.
4. Drop-off your leak-proof container at HANC, Dogpatch Biofuels or one of the Whole Foods markets in San Francisco.
Here is where residents can drop off their used cooking oil in San Francisco:
* Whole Foods SOMA – every day during store hours, 8am to 10pm: 399 4th Street (at Harrison Street).
Phone: 415-618-0050
* Whole Foods Franklin – every day during store hours, 8am to 10pm: 1765 California Street (at Franklin Street).
Phone: 415-674-0500.
* Whole Foods Potrero Hill – only on the 4th Friday of the month, from 11am to 3pm: 450 Rhode Island Street (at 17th Street).
Phone: 415-552-1155
* Dogpatch Biofuels: 765 Pennsylvania Avenue (between 22nd & 23rd Streets), Tuesday to Friday 11am to 7pm, Saturday 11am to 4pm, closed on Sunday and Monday.
Phone: 415-643-3435.
* Haight Ashbury Neighborhood Council Recycling Center (HANC): 755 Frederick Street (at Arguello Boulevard), Monday to Saturday 9am to 4pm, Sunday 12pm (Noon) to 4pm. Phone: 415-753-2971
* Household Drop-off Waste Center: Recycle Road (between 401 and 501 Tunnel Avenue), Thursday, Friday and Saturday, from 8am to 4pm.
Phone: 415-330-1400
For more information or to sign up for the SFPUC’s SFGreasecycle’s free restaurant used oil collection service, visit