The day’s events included a Halloween pet costume contest, pet trick competition, incredible Frisbee dog tricks and the ever popular SFPUC sponsored Super Dooper Pooper Scooper Kiddie Goodie Scramble, all hosted by Master of Ceremonies, Doug McConnell of ‘Bay Area Backroads’ and ‘Mac and Mutley’ fame.
The Super Dooper Pooper Scooper Kiddies’ Goodie Scramble helped to instruct children and adults alike to pick up their pet’s waste and dispose of it properly.
The Super Dooper Pooper Scooper Kiddies’ Goodie Scramble helped to instruct children and adults alike to pick up their pet’s waste and dispose of it properly.
SFPUC staff distributed pet waste bags throughout the day to ensure everyone picked up and disposed of their pet's waste in a proper manner.

ALWAYS pick up after your dog and dispose of its contents into the trash! There are over 120,000 dogs in San Francisco, and each one poops once or twice a day... you do the math!
- Look for and use biodegradable pet waste bags available in dispensers at local parks.
- Carry extra biodegradable bags when walking your dog and encourage other dog owners to clean up after their pets, as well.
- Teach your children how to properly clean up and dispose of pet waste. Your actions set an example for others.
- Dispose of biodegradable pet waste bag in the BLACK trash bin.
- DO NOT put into BLUE recycling bin or GREEN compost bin.
- DO NOT flush into the toilet or drop into the stormdrain on on the corner (up to a $25,000 fine for dumping into stormdrain!)
When you pick up after your dog, you are helping the environment because...
“We all Live Downstream!”
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