Presented by Tara Hui and Christina Bertea from Greywater Action http://www.greywaterguerrillas.com/
Simple, low-cost rainwater catchment systems can increase your backyard harvest, reduce stormwater runoff and prevent combined sewer overflows, recharge aquifers, and lower your water bill. In this hands-on workshop, students will review design and build a multi-unit rain barrel system.
Date: October 23, Saturday
Time: 11 am to 4 pm
Location: 11 Wawona Street, San Francisco
Starting with a lecture, we will go over different catchment systems, and design considerations. During the hands-on portion after lunch (included in the workshop), we’ll locate the downspouts, and install a 675-gal rain-catchment system on-site, using recycled drums provided by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC).
Sign up through the Greywater Action website: http://greywateraction.org/content/workshop-sign (1st 10 people to sign-up will receive a free drum, courtesy of SFPUC, at the workshop)
$30-$100 sliding scale. (Limited work trade available. Please contact us early to inquire. Not available the day of.)
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